Special Projects

Corona Virus Response

The Covid-19 virus is an example of the flexibility of the Spartan employees who stopped their normal day to day duties to put together a plan to develop Isolation rooms and sleeping cabins for healthcare workers.


Fully Configurable and Fitted with Air Purification Equipment, ‘Safe Sleep’ Cabins Give Healthcare Workers a Safe Haven to Rest

Designed by the company’s in house team of architects, engineers and construction experts, the isolation rooms can be configured to any size and used in hospitals or in any facility needing to separate individuals and provide a safe haven to rest, or treat. Cabins can be set up with a negative air or positive air configuration.

These chambers, which can be built within hours, use materials that could be easily wiped down or cleaned after use. Because COVID-19 and other diseases can linger on metal, the units use finishes such as anti-microbial paint that can be easily wiped down, sprayed or fogged.

Spartan’s isolation chamber offers air change which exceeds the U.S. minimum requirement of 12 air changes per hour for isolation-negative pressure rooms. The air intake chamber includes two filters and an Ionizer for standalone operation. The modules can also be easily ducted to an outside air source, which is highly recommended for COVID-19 application.

Modules ship flat and are easily assembled on site. Lighting and ventilation are plug and play and can be plugged into any wall outlet. Spartan also offers field office chambers that can be set up inside existing facilities.

Units can be insulated and finished for exterior placement.  Any of the units can be configured for negative air flow for patient isolation.

Showcase Projects

Our leadership and design teams work hand-in-hand with clients, engineers, architects, community organizations, manufacturers, federal and healthcare officials to be proactive in discussing topics where Spartan Shielding can focus our resources to meet current needs.

Mobile MRI Trailers

Spartan Shielding partnered with Mobile Resource Group to build MRI mobile trailers that can be driven to areas in need of MRI testing. These units are also used at facilities that are undergoing renovations so they don’t need to shut down daily operations and patients can still be tested.

Mobile MRI Trailers image

RF and Magnetic Shielding

Door Construction and Design

Product Fabrication
and Manufacturing

Quench Vent Systems (Cryogen Venting)


Structural Steel Engineering

Installation and Demolition

Repair and Modifications

We offer new construction and modifications to existing shielding to accommodate equipment upgrades.